Friday, September 12, 2008

Chocolate Puddin'

Both Jon and I LOVE chocolate. So it wasn't much of a surprise to find out that our offspring LOVES the stuff also. Last night I decided to make instant chocolate pudding for dessert for Keira. Usually she has a "cull cull" (Popsicle) for her tasty treat if she finished most of her dinner; but as I was going through our cupboards I saw the tasty box and knew she would go GaGa over it. When I put it into her little serving bowl she screamed with much excitement "GoGurt!" (Yogurt) I said "No Keira, this is chocolate pudding. Doesn't it look nummy?" After really looking it over and touching it ever so softly with her finger tips, she looked up at me and said "Nummy?!? It's a poo poo!!!!!" hahaha...After explaining to her again that it is good and that it is chocolate she was all over it. She thought it was so tasty and was asking for more...


Unknown said...

I love that she called it poo! But then proceeded to eat it and love it!!! haha. I seriously need to just make a book of all these little kiddo stories of my friends and publish it. Seriously if nothing else it would amuze me!

The Lyda's said...

Keira is so darn cute! I can't wait until Cassidy can start feeding herself and make huge messes just like little Keira (well, not really...)