Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fruit Salad, Sick Girl & Tub Time

1. Fruit Salad

I had Keira help me prepare her lunch yesterday. I decided on a sandwich, fruit salad and some chips. I brought our dining room chair over so she can help me with stirring her salad. She was so excited and felt like a big girl. I explained to her what I was cutting:
"1 apple, 1/2 nana and some sugar free cool whip. Okay, now stir like this Keira...(stiring..stiring..) Okay, now you try."
Keira is a natural...Stirring up a storm.

"Good job Keira! Mommy is so proud of you!"
And since she was doing such a great job, I thought, I can get the rest of her meal out of the fridge. I was Bent over grabbing some things out of the icebox when I heard a:
"crunch..crunch...yummy!!!! emmmm...crunch...crunch..."

I quickly stood up and my little helper was stuffing her face FULL of Fruit salad. She was double dipping and all!
I said "Hey girl! We were supposed to share that!"
She simply looked at me and laughed.

It sure was a tasty lunch! (dont mind her drunkered lookin face...she wasn't ready for the pic)

2. Sick Girl
I got the stomach flu on Sunday morning. Yesterday (as in Monday) I was starting to feel better, then the evening came around I was started feeling really sick again! This morning I woke up to a sick girl. We always get sick at the same time. It must be all those dang kisses that we exchange! Poor Jon has a house full of stomach flu ridden girls. This is where she has been ALL day long. On the couch. I've tried to make the best of it however. Watching fun Disney Movies (ones that I enjoy also) and reading her tons of books. She has a few comfort things in her life. One-her stuffed kitty and Two-her mommy. So she insisted that she had her stuffed white kitty with her and her talking kitty to keep her company and me sitting next to her all day. Hopefully this bug will leave us soon!

She is still smiling...What a little Trooper

3. Tub Time

I really don't need to explain. She is getting all nice and squeaky clean!

1 comment:

Ericksons said...

eww that sucks hope you guys are feeling better soon!