Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I've been meaning to put some pictures up of our new car. Yes, you heard me right...Jon and I bought our first car! We already have a Mitsubishi Galant, but she was a hand me down. We love her and she has served our family well. However on the move from Washington to Vegas she was having some problems. I was scared to drive her and I knew that she is no longer able to drive long distances. She is getting older and it was time to just have her become a "around town" car. She still works but we realized that we needed something reliable and safe so if heaven forbid something happened to her, we would have peace of mind knowing that we have another car to get around. So about 2 1/2 weeks ago we got a 2006 Chevrolet Equinox. She is soooo precious and my baby!!!!! We having named her Nox...Short for Equinox..Get it? haha...Keira and I LOVE being able to get out and go places! I've noticed that I'm a much happier person because I'm not inside all day long. We are able to get out and be amongst the living..haha...So like I said, I will take some pictures of her and I'll post some later. Just wanted to give the quick update...We are officially adults! We bought our first car! Yipee for us!!!

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